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personal television中文是什么意思

用"personal television"造句"personal television"怎么读"personal television" in a sentence


  • 小型电视接收机


  • Personal television all these entertainment choices appear right in front of you on ptv
    我们为您提供的个人电视ptv ,将为您带来无限乐趣。
  • You will find a myriad of entertainment choices appearing right in front of you on your personal television ( ptv )
    我们为您提供的个人电视( ptv ) ,将为您带来无限乐趣。
  • Wide range of newspapers and magazines including our award - winning inflight magazine discovery games and more personal television
    我们为您提供的个人电视ptv ,将为您带来无限乐趣。
  • Up to 15 interactive games are offered for passengers to play on their personal televisions on selected aircraft
  • For a start there s our cd audio system , while your personal television features 20 channels of non - stop entertainment
用"personal television"造句  
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